Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Stories from Real People - How they got their scholarships

Some real people and how they got their scholarships.

#1. The first story I found today was that of klmagpayo. She has a Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/klmagpayo, and a Hubpage story about her Scholarship journey. Klmagpayo worked very hard, but then was turned down for a scholarship. It was then she went on to try even harder and had a very tight deadline for another scholarship. You can read her story here:
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-I-got-my-scholarship. Klmagpayo lives in Berlin, Germany.

#2. Here are 10 stories about scholarship winners. They are "10 Beautiful, Smart Celebrities who Got a Scholarship to College." http://www.online-college-blog.com/index.php/uncategorized/10-beautiful-smart-celebrities-who-got-a-scholarship-to-college/

#3. And here is the story of a bicyclist who won a $1,000 scholarship from the League of American Bicyclists. The money is to be used to attend the National Bike Summit. Here is that link:

Have YOU won a scholarship? This blog would love to print your story. Send it to me or list your link below. Good luck, everyone who is applying for scholarships right now.

All for now,

PS You can find scholarship links (free ones) at my Nontrad Site here:
and here:

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