Friday, August 13, 2010

A new article from NASFAA - Eight Steps to Winning a Scholarship

Czytelnia Humanistyczna BUR
This great article really jumped out at me today.
Eight Steps to Winning a Scholarship. 
This article is by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. They list eight great ways to get a scholarship. They are: (their words in bold italic):
 #1: Consult your Financial Aid office. This is a great idea, because they often know of local aid and scholarships, which are easier to get.
#2. Contact your academic department. They can know of other aid packages or where to point to others. (I had not thought of this - - it is a great idea).
#3. Use a free scholarship search engine. You can find some suggestions on the Nontrads Scholarships
Page here: The best sites I have found include the Fastweb search pages and the Broke Scholar search site.
#4. Don't assume: you still may be able to get a scholarship if you don't have straight A's. The article suggests you look for aid in your personal areas of interest or hobbies.
#5. Write that essay... the places that require essays have less competition, according to the article. It helps to practice, too.
#6. Stack up the small scholarships... many small scholarships can really add up. Don't overlook a scholarship just because it is small.
#7. Apply early - this applies to everyone. The article goes on to say that people applying in high school can always re-apply the next year.
#8. Don't get scammed... the article warns of sites that charge you in order to give you tips or scholarship aid. Watch out for scammy sites and protect yourself by using sites that do not charge you.
I would add at least one more tip - - fill out your FAFSA first! (the official site is here.)
Also: you can look for more scholarship links at the NT Scholarship pages: page one and page two.
Good luck!
Read more here:
8 Steps to Winning A Scholarship
Image via Wikipedia.

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