Showing posts with label Ivy League colleges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ivy League colleges. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can you win an Ivy League scholarship?

Half-time activities, the Yale-Harvard game, 2001Image via Wikipedia
Here are a few ideas for people who would like to go to an Ivy League School...
Yes, you can win scholarships to Ivy League Schools. People do every year.
How do they do it? Some get in with terrific test scores and exemplary grades. Some are legacy students with plenty of tuition money.

But if you are not in those categories, you can still try to get in to the school of your choice, which just might be one of the Ivy League schools, which are among the very best in the nation.
Many of these prestigious schools have in-house scholarships. Plus, you can apply for other scholarship money as well.

This video has some hints on how to win a scholarship to an Ivy League school. I personally think you don't have to have straight A's as much as you need to stand out.  But remember, getting in is hard. You DO have a chance, though, so I would say to try and see if you get in, then see what kind of scholarship money you get. If you do not get in to an Ivy League school, at least you will have tried, if this is something that you want.

Here is a list of Ivy League Schools: Some of the most famous in this list are Harvard and Princeton. These are very selective schools, and not everyone who wants to go there is able to.
But there is always a chance! And if you can't get in to the "regular" school, you can sometimes enroll in their online school.

Here are some websites to help you apply to these schools and/or get a scholarship from them or another source.

The Native American Scholarship Fund - Catching the Dream - there is much good advice here, including how to get multiple scholarships.

College Confidential - Ask the Dean - what are Ivy League schools looking for? And what kind of students get scholarships to one? 

Good luck!


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