Thursday, February 17, 2011

Checking with schools near you

 Some pointers to get money for school by searching nearby

I have read a LOT of postings and blogs about getting scholarships in the last few years. Many bloggers and article writers suggest searching locally for scholarships and grants.

Why check locally?
Many lesser-known scholarships are ONLY offered at schools' advising offices. The available help includes scholarships and grants from local clubs and institutions. You never know... these could be really great.

How do I apply?
There is often a standard admission form at many schools; you get to ask whether you would like to be included in a scholarship or grant search. Your advisor may also ask you personally about your financial needs. You could wind up on the short list for this money.

Many schools will "package" their offers. You get to decide whether or not to accept this package, which may include scholarships, loans, and outright grants, if you are lucky.

Location, location, location...
I personally went to school locally. It was easy to commute. There were both online AND in-person classes to choose from.

Good luck on your scholarship and grant search!


More resources: The Nontrads Scholarship pages one and two
Scholarship sites in the U.S. and Abroad 
My Five most Popular Postings from the Find Scholarships and Grants blog
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