Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cynthia Good's College and Career Planning Page - worth a look

A college links page with possibilities.

At least one link listed here on the site is one I have never seen even one time before. It is called the Cynthia Good's College and Career Planning Site.

This site has moved since it was first found here, but I found its new location. Here it is:
Cynthia Good's College and Career Planning.

This page has a multitude of helpful sites listed PLUS a big Financial Aid section that includes scholarships.

Among the other pages listed are these sites you may not have been to yet:

Campus Tours - tour many campuses online for free
GoCollege - lots of free information is here, including a short section on college survival.
Talbot's Student Guide - This lists many schools and has an easy-to-use map to zero in on what state you might be interested in. I do notice that the laptop contest puts you on a mailing list and asks for your year of graduation, so if you don't want that, don't enter.

Check out the other sites listed here:
(scroll down to see the list)

Until next time!

Check my Nontrads Scholarship pages:
Scholarships Links and Tips Page One
Scholarships Links and Tips Page Two
You may also like these popular postings:
Finding Scholarships and Grants
Online vs. Face-to-Face classes: Which are better?
Websites and Tips to help you study for that exam or test
Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seven redone NT State Pages with Scholarships added

I have been redoing my Nontraditional Student State Pages one at a time at the Betsyanne Nontraditional Student website. 

I am adding scholarship links to them, too. I think this goes well with each State page because in order to go back to school as a nontraditional student (or any age student), people sometimes need to find funds and don't want to put everything on a loan.

Here are the latest redone pages that include scholarship links.

I hope to have every state and its scholarships done by next year - or maybe this one!

Here are the State pages with Scholarship links added:
and Maryland.

Make sure to refresh each page when you visit.

Comment below and let me know which page(s) you want me to improve next.

Pots Place associate
BGAMUG Webmaster

Check my Nontrads Scholarship pages:
Scholarships Links and Tips Page One
Scholarships Links and Tips Page Two
You may also like these popular postings:
Finding Scholarships and Grants
Online vs. Face-to-Face classes: Which are better?
Websites and Tips to help you study for that exam or test

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Popular articles at this blog - Find vet school scholarships and more

Some Scholarships and Grants Articles People are Reading: 

These articles are some of the MOST popular articles here as of today. I hope you enjoy them a lot.

Veterinary School Scholarships

Scholarships, Grants and more for Native Americans

Finding Scholarships only YOUR school offers - how an advisor can help. 

State Scholarships to add to your list

Some U.S. Interior Design Scholarships

Good luck, as always, with your scholarship search.

And keep this official FAFSA site on file.

Have you ever applied for a scholarship? Do you like the fact that when you apply for a FAFSA loan, you automatically are matched with grants, scholarships, and other opportunities?

Here is the official FAFSA site in case you haven't filed your application out, or if you just want to keep this link on file.

I am a Scholarship Hunter!

Check my Nontrads Scholarship pages:
Scholarships Links and Tips Page One
Scholarships Links and Tips Page Two
You may also like these popular postings:
Finding Scholarships and Grants
Online vs. Face-to-Face classes: Which are better?
Websites and Tips to help you study for that exam or test
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
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