Saturday, April 12, 2014

Glorious Weather? Mowing, and Spring Break.

Spring is a wonderful season.
For many, including me, it's time to get out and exercise by doing things like mowing and gardening (which WILL feel better in the future, I keep telling myself!)

It may take longer to recoup after getting more active, but I think it's worth it.

For many students, it's all about getting outdoors more this time of year too. Some are going on a Spring Break trip away from school for awhile. Many are thinking about going back to school next year. And still others are thinking about taking a class or two during Summer School.

I think that there is something about Spring that brings hope to the soul. In the Spring, somehow all things seem possible.

I hope school is going well, students. Students and non-students, or student wannabes, who would like to pick my brain about scholarships, feel free to Check my Nontrads Scholarship pages:

Scholarships Links and Tips Page One, and

Scholarships Links and Tips Page Two

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