Showing posts with label the best schools for scholarships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the best schools for scholarships. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Scholarships - NEVER pay for them. Or for the search. Plus MANY tips for finding a scholarship or grant!

Everyone is jumping on the "Find Scholarships" bandwagon.

Especially online websites. They are looking for you. Why? Because they want to make money guiding people to scholarships. There is BIG money in doing that. But don't give in to the big fees they want to charge you.

And it sounds tempting to let somebody else do the work for you. BUT you can save big, just going the work yourself.

Here are some tips to get started: 

#1. Get organized - - keep a good file system, and this can get you started right.

Get organized - and keep track of your scholarship and grant applications.

How to organize your scholarship search.

#2. Only search with quality websites that do NOT charge you.

Quality searches for scholarships - where to look first

5 High-Quality Scholarship Sites

AND these pages have good, quality scholarship sites on them too:

Scholarships Links and Tips Page One

Scholarships Links and Tips Page Two

#3. Always go to the schools near you to see what scholarships, grants, fellowships, etc. they offer. Apply.

Checking with schools near you

Finding Scholarships only YOUR school offers - how an advisor can help

#4. Avail yourself of the free signups for scholarship search. Think: Fastweb and others.

Discoveries on the Fastweb site (2010)

#5. Don't give up. And keep an eye on deadlines. (AND fill out your FAFSA for more opportunities...)

Also FAFSA deadlines are here:
#6. Student beware! Only accept scholarships from quality colleges that allow transfers. You'd be surprised how many people have been fooled by for-profit schools and now have almost worthless classes to show for it.

Watch what school you are going to. Are your credits worth it? A Nightline expose - - A For-Profit Education Investigation.

Got some more good tips? Add them as a comment.

And, of course, the very best of GOOD LUCK finding an internship, scholarship, grant or more! :-)

FYI: Some of my other websites and blogs are: The Nontraditional Student Blog and website, GS Betsy's E-blast (for Kentuckiana Area 17 and Beyond), From the Garden Spot (another Betsyanne blog), and The Teacher Tree (I will be working more on this one later this year).    


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Finding Scholarships and Grants

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